"There is nothing more important than a good, safe, secure home." REMAX

De Paul House has had a huge turnover of families in our transitional housing. Over the past two months over 24 families moved out to permanent housing. Families and seniors were assisted with furniture, bedding and household goods to set up their homes. 

Economic hardship is seeing less people donating goods for our banks. This has meant we have needed to purchase basics like pillows, duvets, towels and tea towels to equip the transitional units.

100% increase in demand for food parcels!
Our foodbank is being called on daily to help supplement those struggling to stretch their incomes. We are grateful for the community of caring that has responded to our call for help. 

Annual Client Survey

The annual survey allows our clients to feedback on the services and support they accessed. We then use this to identify any areas we can improve on. The staff received the highest praise and appreciation, across all areas. Comments included: 

"My Social Worker was amazing, she helped me so much! She listened to everything I said and supported me when I cried."

“So grateful that there was someone there to help take a load off my shoulders.”

“Thank you so much, you truly changed our lives. Everyone we dealt with was onto it and lovely.”

Families and seniors identified the outreach support as very helpful, as they settled into a new house and worked to create a home.

This support includes six-month social work support, community learning centre and early childhood centre and access to food and clothing banks.  Without your donation we would not be able to do this as these services are not fully funded.

“My new home was so safe and secure, I felt like I could start life again.” 

"Education is one thing no one can take away from you." ~ Elin Nordegren. 

Feedback from attendees at the Community Learning Centre: 
"The computer skills I learnt are helping me in job hunting now."

"I learnt to navigate rentals and how to understand my responsibilities. It helped me understand how to keep a home for longer."

"I am loving the Triple P parenting course. I am using these skills everyday with my two year old son." Proud Dad, Jason. 

Auckland Transitional Housing Hui 

To ensure the government is aware of the work and success of transitional housing, De Paul House hosted a hui with other transitional housing providers to meet with Hon. Tama Potaka, Associate Minister of Housing.
Jan Rutledge said,  “We believe such meetings are essential to promote the success and strength of the transitional housing model. All providers are working towards and achieving long term housing stability for whanau, youth and seniors affected by homelessness. Ending long stays in emergency motels is the goal for all.” 

How You Can Help? 

With many social services facing cuts to funding, demand for our services will increase. Please consider making a regular weekly or monthly donation. Your donation goes directly to support New Zealand families and senior citizens struggling with housing, food poverty and lack of resources. 

At De Paul House we know we are offering life changing opportunities that strengthen the whole family and give them a hope for a brighter future. Please partner with us. Thank you for your support. 

A Lasting Legacy

A gift in your will is an effective and generous way to support the work of De Paul House. You will be creating educational opportunities that will strengthen the whole family.