Homelessness To Stable Housing 

Living life in constant survival mode

For over two years Sarah* and two dependent children bounced from one housing crisis to the next. Life had become a constant battle, leaving Sarah shattered and unable to lead a normal life.

The turmoil began when, due to family harm, she took a protection order on her ex-partner and was forced to leave their family home. In desperation, Sarah moved into an unsuitable private rental. Her requests for essential maintenance led to arguments with the landlord and resulted in eviction.

A string of unstable and unsuitable accommodations followed for the family: a temporary caravan, couch-surfing at friends’ homes, a small container home, and an overcrowded home belonging to distant relatives.

Life was in a downward spiral until Sarah found De Paul House and their support through the Transitional Housing programme.

*Not her real name 

Mother and two dependent children

North Auckland 


Life on Struggle Street

Before entering the Transitional Housing programme, life was full of challenges and transient living: 

  • Family harm leading to protection order on ex-partner

  • Relationship break up

  • Becoming full time carer for granddaughter

  • Son with high and complex health needs

  • Sarah battled mental health issues, with no support

  • Two years of unsuitable and untenable housing and accommodation. 

Voices of support 

"The transitional house was the anchor and stability the whānau needed to move forward.”

“Once in stable permanent housing, there is a sense of stability and normalcy.”

“Now that the clouds have lifted and they are in stable housing, the family is settled. Sarah‘s flower and vege garden is flourishing, along with her wellbeing.“

Feedback from De Paul House Transitional Housing case worker who supported Sarah and her children.

New start - a stable home with a garden

After only five months in the Transitional Housing Programme, the green shoots of a new life were already showing. Initially, De Paul House provided a transitional house in a secure gated complex to ensure the family had safety and a sense of community. A wide range of additional supports followed: 


  • Ready to Rent Programme

  • Support to secure permanent social housing in the same local community

  • Furniture for their permanent home

  • Six months of outreach support after leaving the Transitional Housing programme

Life skills

  • Computer skills training

Parent and child support

  • Parenting support

  • Playgroup for granddaughter

  • Referral and support at meetings with Oranga Tamariki, resulting in a support plan for managing her son’s high and complex health needs and a further referral for funding for a behavioural specialist and counselling support for her son

Financial stability

  • Support liaising with WINZ to ensure all entitlements were in place

  • Financial management

  • Budgeting support