from crisis to stability

Family faces eviction and homelessness

Arriving in Aotearoa as a refugee, Mima* initially lived with her Aunt in an overcrowded shared living situation. Through the local migrant community, she met her future husband and they went on to have two children.

After securing a rental property in Auckland, they formed strong connections with their local migrant community and community house. Mima’s husband, the sole income earner, was trusted to control the family’s finances. It came as a complete shock to Mima to discover they were in massive rent arrears and facing possible eviction due to his addiction issues. With the dire situation revealed, the father left the relationship and home.

Facing losing her tenancy and possibly having to uproot the children and return to the overcrowded Aunt’s home, Mima reached out to De Paul House for support from the Sustaining Tenancies programme.

*Not her real name

Mother (33 years) and two children (7 years and 10 years)


Actively engaged with local migrant community, local school and community playgroup. Enjoy walking to and from school together.

Favourite food: 
Anything from their homeland.

Complex and challenging

A complicated web of risk factors contributed to the threat of possible eviction:

  • Husband’s addiction issues

  • Husband’s alcohol abuse

  • Family harm (exacerbated by alcohol abuse)

  • Rent arrears due to husband’s complete control of finances

  • Relationship split

  • Unable to navigate the system due to a lack of knowledge and English being Mima’s second language 

Voices of support 

"When I first met her she was a broken woman with no money living in a cold, damp, mouldy home and didn’t have a voice. And when we finished, she was completely the opposite - an independent, competent mum and woman.”

“The children couldn’t have a healthy life without a healthy parent...You can’t pour from an empty cup.”

Feedback from De Paul House Sustaining Tenancies housing case worker who supported Mima and her children. 

A new life, a bright future

The Sustaining Tenancies programme goes above and beyond for Mima:

Financial stability

  • Secured the Sole Parent Benefit through WINZ

  • Engagement with ex-husband to agree to payment plan to address rent arrears


  • Re-engaged Mima with English language classes – essential for employment and reducing social isolation

  • CV development, connection to a work broker, and growing confidence led to employment for Mima

Child wellbeing and education

  • Access to funding for school uniforms and stationery for the children

  • Support at GP appointments to assist with treatment of child’s health condition

  • Provided tickets to the local theatre for children

Legal advocacy

  • Support to handle visitation and custody matters


  • Engaged with her landlord (Kāinga Ora) to get home up to healthy home standards

  • Support to sustain tenancy

Life skills for independence

  • Accessed funding for driving lessons and supported through the driver licensing process